
Zakat is payable at 2.5% of the wealth one possesses above the Nisab, which is equal to 3 ounces of gold. Nisab is the minimum amount of wealth one must have before they are liable to pay zakat. *As of March, 2023, Nisab is estimated to be $5000. If your Zakat-Eligible Total is less than $5000, you are not required to pay Zakat

Donate to NMC Zakat Ul Maal

Many people around the world have taken an interest in Islam, especially in North America. There is a gigantic need to help them integrate with the rest of the ummah, as they are often neglected and risk losing the sublime gift of Islam. Your donation helps us succeed in our sincere effort to educate and empower New Muslims across North America. We teach New Muslims year-round, help them take Shahada, provide them social support, mentorling, and financial support. By diversifying your zakat with New Muslims Circle, you are sending blessings to Allah’s chosen servants which will purify and increase barakah for your family, in sha Allah, in duniya and ahkira. Your donation is also tax-deductible, Alhamdulillah.

We thank you graciously for your generous donation. JazakAllah Khair!

By Allah! if a single person is guided by Allah through you, it will be better than anything in this world” Prophet SAW (Bukhari & Muslim)

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