Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Alhamdulillah, during the last 2 sessions of the New Muslims Class at ISGH River Oaks Islamic Center, we had five sisters declaring shahadah. They were guided by our class instructor, Br. Rehan Safiullah and being witnessed by the students. On the declaration of shahadah by the two sisters last Saturday, we did it in front of the class so the online students could also witness this beautiful moment.
NMC has previously completed 2 batches of New Muslims Class, and currently we are running the 3rd batch during the fall. This batch comprises of 14 sessions. Today’s class was the 5th session, so there are 9 more sessions to go. Registration is still open for the new students on the following link :
The class is recorded, so students joining late will be able to review the previous lessons.
NMC Team